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  Bird Mask

Designed by - Dorothy Chan, MAKIN'S CLAY® Design Team
Skill Level - Professional
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* Makin's Clay® - The No Bake Clay®
* No Kneading, conditioning or baking required!
  • 5g Black Clay
  • 20g Blue Clay
  • 125g White Clay
  • 480g Red Clay
  • Recommended Makin's Brand® Tools:
  • Mallet
  • Roller
  • Clay Mixing Ruler™
  • Other Materials:
  • Ruler
  • White glue
  • Scissors
  • Gold glitter glue
  • Acrylic Paint: Gold & Silver
  • Paintbrush
  • Plastic wrapper
  • Plain plastic mask
  • Photos: How:
    1. (mounting mask)
    2. Blend the rope into surface.
    3. (355mm(W) x 195mm(H) Paper pattern for bird mask)
    1. Roll a 5mm thick, 300mm x 200mm rectangle light grey sheet by Makin's Brand Roller. (To get light grey, mix 125g white clay with 5g black clay) Add white glue on the top surface of the mask. Cover the entire mask with light grey clay sheet. Stick on the nose first to prevent air bubble trapping underneath. Then smooth the contour surface with fingers and palm carefully. Prevent air bubble trapping underneath along face mask contours. Use pin to puncture air bubble if this happened. Press to release air out by fingers.

    2. Trim out the excess clay along mask edge by Makin's Brand Mallet or scissors. Depress the 2 eyes holes with fingers, then hollow them by Makin's Brand Mallet.

    3. Get dark red color by mixing 480g red clay with 20g blue clay. Roll a 8mm thick, 355mm x 195mm rectangle sheet by Makin's Brand Roller. Cut out the bird mask shape according to the paper pattern by Makin's Brand Mallet. Put a plastic wrapper under the mask to prevent the clay sheet from sticking on the table surface. No need to add glue on the mask, then cover the upper half of mask with the dark red pattern clay sheet. Prevent air bubble trapping underneath by placing on the nose first. Smooth the clay surface with fingers and palm when covering the upper half of mask carefully. Place the 2 ears of clay on table.
    4. Slightly lift up the forehead edge and the nose part of the bird mask with fingers. Put some wrapper underneath to prevent collapsing down. Hollow 2 eyes holes by Makin's Brand Mallet. Let dry.

    Steps of "Add on Method"
    1. Roll a shape
    2. Dip the whole piece in water
    3. Put the whole piece on the surface to be added on, press edges of pieces to taper them slightly with your wet thumb and index finger, and blend it into surface.

    5. Roll two 8mm diameter 150mm long rope, dip the whole piece in water and put them along the lifted edge. Hold the rope and press towards the mask by sliding up and down the clay with your wet thumb and index finger until the rope merge to the mask surface. Use the same method for making ears pattern.
    6. For making eyes and forehead pattern: First, design the pattern and roll different length teardrop shape ropes with palm according to your design. Coil the tails of the ropes, dip in water and then put along the upper eyelid and forehead, wet your thumb and index finger, then merge the edges.
    7. For making broad nose: Roll two 20mm long teardrop shapes and flatten with palm. Dip in water, put at nose wings of the bird mask and smooth the gap by wet fingernail. Slightly sharpen the bridge of nose.

    Finally. Paint with acrylic color and add gold glitter glue after dried.